February 26, 2019
David Turnbull, david [at]
RL Miller, rlm [at]
Response to Sen. Feinstein returning fossil fuel money
In response to reports that Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) plans to return two contributions from oil industry PACs that violated her No Fossil Fuel Money pledge, the following statements were released:
RL Miller, political director, Climate Hawks Vote, a member of the No Fossil Fuel Money coalition:
“On behalf of the hundreds of Democrats who watched Dianne Feinstein sign the pledge, and thousands more who care about keeping fossil fuel money out of politics, we thank her for listening to us.”
David Turnbull, Strategic Communications Director with Oil Change United States, a member of the No Fossil Fuel Money coalition:
“We’re pleased that Senator Feinstein is returning the contributions that violated her No Fossil Fuel Money pledge, and commend her for taking swift action to correct the situation. Just like with any pledge a candidate takes, we view adherence to the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge as an essential test of a politician’s character and are heartened to see Senator Feinstein working to stand by this critical promise to her constituents.
“We will be working with Senator Feinstein’s team to ensure that any additional infringing contributions are returned in order to ensure the Senator remains in good standing with the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge.
“In addition to taking a closer look at her campaign coffers, we also encourage Senator Feinstein to take a closer look at the goals she’s outlining for responding to the climate crisis, and reconsider her stance regarding Senator Markey’s Green New Deal resolution. We need Senators willing to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and for solutions of the scale and ambition that our climate crisis demands, and we need a unified voice in the Senate against political tactics aimed at squashing critical momentum in the right direction.”
I want to strongly encourage Senator Feinstein to take a closer look at the goals she’s outlining for responding to the climate crisis, and reconsider her stance regarding Senator Markey’s Green New Deal resolution. We need Senators willing to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and for solutions of the scale and ambition that our climate crisis demands, and we need a unified voice in the Senate against political tactics aimed at squashing critical momentum in the right direction.